Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Admiral Yamamoto's Right, AGAIN!

Lately, I keep hearing over and over from radio talk show callers to Glenn Beck and on Fox TV, “we keep calling and nobody listens”. Well, it’s true; nobody is listening on Capitol Hill. You complained about the Health Care Bill and the Democrat leaders in both Houses are pushing for passage. You complained about the Stimulus Bill and they did the same. You went to the Republicans and they said they heard you and then some of them turned right around and followed the Democrats.

So what are you going to do? Throw up your hands and give up? Not me.

Approximately a month ago I spent about six hours with Dick Morris. Dick is a hired gun. You have the money and he’s yours, with a few exceptions. But Dick and I had a great conversation, on and off, throughout the day. One statement he made stuck in my mind; “....there’s good news and bad news. The good news is that the Democrats will, most likely, be swept out of office in the mid-term elections. The bad news is that they will have done all the damage to the country, by then, that they can possibly do”.

Given that this administration is barreling down that particular runway with the speed of an F-16, with both candles lit, I believe him. We’ve got the potential, by 2010, of one of the biggest catastrophes this country has ever seen, both financial and in loss of personal freedoms.

There is a solution and it will take the strength and will of the majority of Americans. Not the Americans who want a handout. Not Americans like the woman who proclaimed to the world that Obama would put gas in her car and pay her mortgage. This will take Americans like those who originally made this country what it still, for the time being is, the greatest country in the world, populated by some of the most giving, hard working folks the world has ever known.

In 2010 we will have to stand up and vote out of office Democrats AND Republicans who have shown, by their records, they will not or cannot act in our best interests. No matter what party, we have to throw them out if they don’t believe in fiscal responsibility, accountability and personal freedom. When I say accountability I mean accountability to US, the citizens who elect them, not to other party members who exert pressure on them.

There is a great deal of anger building in this country over proposed tax increases and what would, inevitably, be the demise of the greatest health care system the world has ever known, if the administration has its way.

It has been said many times that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. During World War II, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, speaking on the attack on Pearl Harbor, was quoted as saying; “I fear all we have done is awaken a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve......” The American people are slow to anger, but when pushed into a corner they fight and keep fighting until they win.

The time to fight is fast approaching, America, it’s 2010 and the place is the voting booth.

1 comment:

  1. Very good article, I aggree 100%, I will go a step further and say ALL incumbents must be voted from office in 2010 from BOTH parties! Both parties share the blame for forgeting their oath to office, their jobs, yes jobs, not positions as they think they have should be over. Visit me at Mark Shean on Blogspot
